Nurturing Friendships: A Vital Lesson in Early Childhood

Nurturing Friendships: A Vital Lesson in Early Childhood

Hey Reader!
OK, friends, time to clean up and get ready for lunch.” “All my friends need to line up to go to Music.” I used phrases like this in my classroom regularly! Have you used them too? Maybe you’ve also heard an upset child say something like “You’re not my friend anymore!” as they stomp their feet and put on their mean eyebrows!
I wonder if our little “friends” actually know what the word “friend” means? Today I just want to share a couple of ideas for nurturing friendship in early…

We are family!

We are family!

Hey Reader!
Imagine the dynamics of a healthy family. When you walk in after a time away, you’re greeted with love and care. When you leave, you share warm good-byes and see-ya-laters. When you need help, there is some close-by to support you. Sometimes there is conflict but you learn how to work it out through healthy conversations and respecting boundaries from the foundation of strong connection and bonds. There is a pattern of forgiveness.
This sounds a lot like the family that God has…

Winter Wellness Guide: Supporting Immune Systems in Young Children

Winter Wellness Guide: Supporting Immune Systems in Young Children

Hey Reader!
Jesus and germs are everywhere!” This time of year seems especially “germ-heavy” doesn’t it? We’ve compiled a few resources that we hope are beneficial for you AND for the families you serve as we all try to optimize children’s immune systems. We hope you’ll share some of these resources with your families as well!
Food choices are important. If young children are eating lots of processed or sugar-laden foods, their bodies will build up inflammation which leads to more instances…

Get Curious Before You Get Furious: Decoding Behavior Triggers in the Classroom

Get Curious Before You Get Furious: Decoding Behavior Triggers in the Classroom

Hey Reader!
Our philosophy at ECCN is that relationship is paramount for all young children. ALL learning happens in the context of relationships. Very often, the strength of the bond between a child and a teacher determines the level of behavioral challenges that we’ll face. Sometimes, though, even a really strong relationship between a student and their teacher still comes with behaviors that have become habits that are disruptive and difficult to manage in the classroom.
In a recent…