Early Childhood Christian Network

You want to provide the best early  childhood experience for children and their parents. 

But you don’t have easy access to high-quality training.

We provide you with relevant, research-based, and Biblically-sound training and on-demand courses so that you and your staff can confidently care for and teach young children.

50+ high-quality, on-demand courses right at your fingertips? It’s too good to be true!

Check out our Learning Library!

Download this free resource

Nurturing Faith: Building Bridges for Young Families

Our Podcast

Our Podcast

Our Podcast

“The thing that ECCN conferences never fail to do is be a source of stimulation, affirmation, and challenge on professional and spiritual levels. So many themes resonate deeply for me and the chance to discuss them with like-minded folk is just brilliant and rejuvenating.”

–2022 Conference Attendee

Want a conference that leaves you feeling brilliant and rejuvenated? Join us at a conference near you!

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide early childhood educators with affordable, relevant, and researched-based training and resources that support their endeavor to teach young children age-appropriate physical, cognitive, social, emotional and spiritual concepts with a Biblical focus.

Our Values