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3 Simple Ways to Make Bible Stories Unforgettable for Kids!

Hey Reader! As teachers in Christian preschools and early childhood programs, we have such an incredible opportunity to introduce young children to God. It matters HOW we teach them, though. Today I’m going to give you three quick tips for teaching a Bible story more effectively for young children: Bring some excitement! Are you excited to teach children about Jesus? Notice your own demeanor when you get ready to teach…are you hum-drum and routine? Or is this a fun, exciting time for you?…

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exploration to expression; process art

Exploration to Expression: Your Role in Children’s Art

Hey Reader! Last week, I challenged you to create an open-ended art center with various materials and allow your students to explore. How did it go? This week, I want to give you a few tips on how YOU fit into children’s art. As we allow children to explore the various materials and mediums, you may see that children start to progress from just experimenting with everything (mix it all up to make brown every time!) to really trying to create intentionally in order to represent something. So…

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Process art; messy paint supplies

The Power of Process Art: Beyond the Craft

Hey Reader! “Artistic expression is an alternative means of communication. For infants, toddlers, and young children, art provides a way of sharing thoughts, experiences, and emotions while gaining knowledge and skills. Encouraging artistic expression in classrooms and outdoor learning environments helps children make sense of their surroundings and who they are as individuals.” Rebecca M. Giles, PhD“A Young Writer’s World: Creating Classrooms Where Authors Abound” I can’t really say that I…

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children singing

Start Each Day with a Smile and a Song

Hey Reader! Dr. Jean says “You should start every day with a smile and a song.” That’s great advice! Did you know there’s actual science behind why a smile and a song first thing makes for a better day? First…just the act of smiling actually releases endorphins in your brain! A smile tells your brain that you are safe and happy. Show some teeth! There’s actually some truth to “fake it till you make it” when it comes to smiling. Sometimes the smile has to start on your face before it reaches…

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adult woman calming crying toddler

Easing Separation Anxiety: Tips for a Calm and Confident Start

Hey Reader! When was the last time you walked into a new social environment by yourself without knowing anyone? How did it feel? If it’s been a while, I’d encourage you to try it soon – go to a new exercise class, go to a new Bible study, or attend some other social event by yourself. Many of us would notice a little bit of anxiety in ourselves! So many of our students are experiencing a similar separation anxiety in our classrooms right now. They just aren’t so sure that you’re going to do a…

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Building Self-Regulation Skills in a Joyful Classroom

Hey Reader! How’s it going so far? The first part of the new school year can be filled with a few challenges! Last week we released a great conversation on our podcast with Diane Goyette about helping children “Foster Self-Regulation”. If you haven’t had a chance to listen…do yourself a favor and go listen now. HERE is the link. There was SO MUCH good information on helping upset children get back to a place of learning. Then…I wrote a short post on 2 of the 4 C’s in Diane’s framework –…

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