Good Guys vs. Bad Guys
Hey Reader! A few children in your classroom are chasing each other on the playground as super heroes trying to “capture the bad guys”! There is lots of discussion during centers about policemen putting the bad guy in jail. Or maybe you’ve even overheard conversations about super heroes or policemen killing the bad guys? Before we all gasp and call parents…let’s examine what’s happening here: Remember that young children, both boys and girls, starting around age 3 make sense of their world through pretend play. As adults, know there is a very real battle of good vs evil in this world every day. The children know it too, but they are still working out how to process it all. Sure, some children have been exposed to too much violence (either in person or via TV or video games), but even children who have been fairly well protected from all that still sense that not everything in this world is good. It’s actually a really great thing for them to play out the battle between good and evil in a way that makes sense to them (police officers taking bad guys to jail, or their favorite cartoon super hero defeating his nemesis). I’m sure you’ve noticed that super hero play is often lively and includes multiple children (both boys and girls) and it sometimes extends over the course of several days. This type of play involves lots of problem-solving, negotiation and compromise as these groups determine who will be the bad guy (or will there be an imaginary bad guy), what happens to the bad guy, where are the boundaries (is there home base?), etc. Children have lots of opportunities to imagine scenarios, try them out and then adjust as necessary. They also get good at communicating their ideas for finding/battling the bad guys as they negotiate and compromise on the rules for the day. They learn how to put someone else’s ideas into practice. They get an opportunity to build empathy as they experience the rejection that comes from being considered a bad guy (in a play-setting, of course). And the good guys get an opportunity to show courage and selflessness as they figure out ways to protect and avenge their friends. Hopefully, you’re also seeing that the “hero”, the “good guys” are winning most of the time! I don’t think you should stop this type of play. In fact, I think this is a great opportunity to utilize a preschooler’s desire to work out this good vs evil scenario and point them to the ultimate Hero – Jesus! Here are a two ideas:
Young children are inundated with the world’s heroes all the time. There is good in that as well – they need to know that there are heroes in the world who are courageous protectors, who uphold the law, who defend the weak. Ultimately, our only steady hero is Jesus, but understanding that God uses others to fulfill His work is a great lesson for them. Next time you see this good guy vs bad guy play happening in your classroom…consider what all the children are actually learning by engaging in the “battle.” Could it be that this is a great opportunity for them to build friendship, negotiate rules, develop empathy and compassion, and work off some energy, too?
Cheering you on this week! -Your ECCN team P.S. What is a challenge you’d like us to address in one of our weekly newsletters? Let us know by replying to this email or clicking the button below.
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Colossians 3:16 “Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” |