Nurturing Resilience in Preschoolers through Risky Play

Nurturing Resilience in Preschoolers through Risky Play

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The term “risky play” has gained some attention over the last few years in the world of early childhood development. Our natural instinct is to protect our little ones from potential harm, but research suggests that allowing controlled, purposeful risk-taking can be a crucial component of healthy development. “If we want children to be prepared for risk, we need to allow them to come into contact with risk.” says Prof Rolf Schwarz of Karlsruhe University of Education, who advises…

Communication Pickle Ball?

Communication Pickle Ball?

Hey Reader!
Infants and toddlers communicate through their behaviors, and being attuned to these cues is vital. Pay attention to their expressions, respond to their babbling, and engage in interactive play. Sometimes, we refer to this “back-and-forth” conversation as “serve and return” – think of it like tennis, volleyball or ping pong (or maybe even pickleball)! One person starts the conversation (serves) and the other person responds (return).
Here is a great example of this with a father…

Nurturing Tiny Minds: A Guide to Supporting Early Childhood Mental Health

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From the moment a baby is born, the brain undergoes rapid development, forming one million neural connections every second (! Positive interactions during this period of development significantly impact a child’s emotional and cognitive growth. As caregivers, creating a nurturing environment is key. Simple things like responsive caregiving, where a caregiver promptly attends to a baby’s needs, build a sense of security and trust. This secure attachment becomes the…

Stay Well This Winter: Tips for Healthy Early Educators!

Stay Well This Winter: Tips for Healthy Early Educators!

Hey Reader!
Tis the season to be….sniffling! Have you ever noticed how quickly you can start feeling those sniffles come on? Early childhood educators are exposed to So.Many.Germs. All the time. We typically hold children close (especially, those who aren’t feeling their best); We’re the ones who wipe noses and try to catch sneezes from afar – who am I kidding? Those sneezes and coughs land all over us every single day! So what are some things YOU can do to keep yourself healthy during this…

Like sands through the hourglass…

Like sands through the hourglass…

Hey Reader!
Time. It’s something we cannot get more of! We’re all gifted exactly the same amount of minutes every day. Today, I just want to share one idea that I hope you’ll consider as you keep working on being a rockstar early educator!
Look at your daily classroom schedule for your students – you have one right? (If you don’t, then stop here and get that done. Your students need routine!) Now, make a copy of it and document what you and any co-teacher, assistant teacher, floater, etc are…