Active Supervision


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Taking supervision and making it active requires 6 techniques that will make you a more responsible teacher and ensure your children’s safety. Take a deep look at what your supervision looks like and how you can improve upon it.
Licensing Std. 746.1305 (a5 – Supervision & Safety Practices); 746.1309 (f7- Safety, Risk Management)


Jerri Thompson has over 39 years of experience as an early childhood educator, administrator, trainer, and consultant. She is currently an administrator at a NAEYC accredited early childhood program in Austin, and serves as President for the Austin Chapter of the Texas Association for the Education of Young Children. Jerri has developed a passion for teaching adults, consulting, advocacy, and developing curriculum and assessment tools for young children. Jerri is also a Master Registered Trainer through the Texas Early Childhood Development System, a Child Care Health Consultant, and began her own training and consulting business,

(Trainer Criteria (a.1) of Minimum Standard 746.1317)