This session will focus on understanding the emotional development of young children, the elements of emotion and how they process feelings. We will also explore temperament as a foundation for understanding emotion and our calling to be good stewards of children’s emotional and spiritual well-being. This time will end with practical ideas for furthering a child’s emotional development.
Licensing Standard 746.1309 (b.1,2,4) Child Growth & Development, Guidance & Discipline, Teacher-Child Interaction, (f.11) Attachment & Responsive Caregiving Core Competencies: Responsive Interactions and Guidance (2.1,2); Supporting Skill Development (4.1)
David Thomas is the Director of Family Counseling at Daystar Counseling in Nashville, Tennessee. He is the co- author of eight books, including the best-selling Wild Things: The Art of Nurturing Boys, Are my Kids on Track? and The 12 Emotional, Social and Spiritual Milestones Your Child Needs to Reach. He is a frequent guest on national television and podcasts, including his own with Sissy Goff and Melissa Trevathan called “Raising Boys and Girls”. David has been featured in publications like USA Today, and speaks across the country. He and his wife, Connie, have a daughter, twin sons and a feisty yellow lab named Owen.